Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Finally, our flag has been finalised. Let's look forward to the day as we sail with our flag up high.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Logistics update

Hi all

Just an update, Logistics team, aka me, kerrie and Haireel will be coming together after course break to finalise the list of things we will need for the expedition. You can expect to be assigned things to bring for the group.

We will also be coming up with a logistics timeline, detailing what to be done when and where etc.... I reckon most of the consolidation and packing will be done the days prior to the staff ex, starting from 16 September.

We are sharing knowledge with the logistics team from Hamish T so we hope not to leave anything out. In the meantime, if you need to point out any special logistical needs, please do so.

Chung Tai